Public Speaker


Womens Dept. of Labor


Piece of Soul Through the Heart

Loretta Herrington: Speaker

loretta on a podium

Throughout Loretta’s career, she has made presentations and speeches to a wide range of audiences.

(former) Deputy Director:

Women’s Bureau at the U.S. Department of Labor

When Loretta was the Deputy Director of the Women’s Bureau at the U.S. Department of Labor, The Women’s Center in Vienna, Virginia awarded Loretta their 2002 Leadership Award.

Today, Loretta finds herself speaking about her book “Piece of Soul through the Heart…a Soul’s Journey” to listening audiences throughout the country. She has been interviewed over 20 times where she tells her story about meeting someone from her past. She tells listeners that often something is right in front of us but we are not “tuned in” to recognize the power of a chance meeting. Whenever Loretta is interviewed, the interviewer always wants her to “tell me more” and she does. Her story is unlike any other story.

Loretta loves sharing her story and the road she followed to rise to the top of her career – especially, with groups and organizations that are not looking for text book speeches.

“Piece of Soul through the Heart:”

A Souls Journey

This is a heart- and soul-felt story, capturing nuance, humor, and joy — guided by the Light and promise of God, ritual, nation, family and proud heritage that links generations worldwide to the common human experience of hope in the shadow of adversity.

What People are saying

(taken from amazon testimonials)

Thank you very much for giving me a copy of your
wonderful book last night.


I read it this morning in one sitting–couldn’t put it down.


Your narrative made me almost feel what you were going through during each stage of your journey with your father, Rick and Zura.


Long before the end, I reached the conclusion that although you call Zura friend, I think he is also the son your and Rick chose.


Piece of Soul Through the Heart is a beautifully written book that allows us to see more clearly our ability to connect with others.


I whole-heartedly enjoyed reading about the author’s travel to The Republic of Georgia and the emotions associated with the absence of a loved one – in this case, a young immigrant returning home after years away.


Loretta Herrington has truly captured the beauty of human relationships through stories of loss, family and the hope of a young man trying to achieve his American dream.

